REEL - 2012


Smitten from Farabute on Vimeo.


This was one of the jobs I did in which I had more fun because I had to figure out how to make a ball of people. At first we tried to make all the people to interact with the ball movement but the machines we were working with couldnt bare the math. So we animated 40 different characters and attached them to a softbody. Supposedly the ball would only be in 4 shots, but since the result was so good we decided to include it in other parts of the videoclip as well.
I am attaching the making of one of the shots with other elements I also generated in 3d.

Este fue uno de los trabajos mas divertidos que hicimos, ya que tuvimos que descifrar como hacer la bola de gente. Al principio intentamos hacer que toda la gente interactue con el movimiento de la pelota pero la realidad fue que las maquinas no soportaban semejante calculo. Asi que decidimos animar 40 diferentes personajes y los atachamos a un softbody. Supuestamente la bola iba a aparecer en 4 tomas, pero como vimos que teniamos un buen material decidimos incluirla en mas tomas del videoclip.

Aca abajo adjunto el making de una de las tomas con mayor cantidad de elementos generados en 3d.

making Smitten from Farabute on Vimeo.